Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at

Returns & Exchanges

We stand behind the quality of our products, and want you to be happy with every single thing you get from us. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, we do accept returns within 15 days from the date of purchase.

All items returned must be in unused condition, in their original packaging, and accompany proof of purchase. A refund (minus shipping fees) will be issued upon receipt and inspection of the returned goods.

The shipping cost to have the goods returned are paid by the client. We highly recommend getting a tracking number and insurance. 

Digital patterns and gift cards are NON-refundable, due to their digital nature. Shipping fees are non-refundable.

Please contact us at to initiate your return. Please include your order number.

If you need to exchange an item, please send us an email at 

All items returned must be in unused condition, in their original packaging and accompany proof of purchase. The shipping cost to have the goods returned to us are paid by the customer. We highly recommend getting a tracking number as well as insurance. 

The cost of shipping the item you exchange the original item for is paid by the customer, too. 

Digital patterns are non-exchangeable.


Your item ships within 24 hrs., M-F. You will receive a tracking number as soon as a label is created. 

Your tracking number is generated as soon as your label is created. Normally, a few hours go by between the time a label is created and the time your box is picked up by the courier service. Rest assured that we pride ourselves in shipping everything within 24 hrs. of an order being placed, M-F. 

Faux leathers are heavy, and the rolls take up space. For instance, our Texas double-sided faux leather weighs 25oz. The farther you live from Redwood City, CA, the higher the prices to ship it to you. 

We work with various mail couriers, such as the USPS, UPS and DHL and qualify for commercial shipping discounts which we pass on to you. 

We are constantly looking for more cost effective ways to ship our faux leathers to you. If you have any questions, drop us a line. 

In the event an international order is taxed by customs, it is the client's responsibility to pay those fees. 

Due to our expedited shipping time, we may not always be able to combine shipping. Chances are your order has already left the building. But, do drop us a line. If we can, we will.